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Youtube Videos for Past PFS Meetings

As members are aware, the PFS had its inaugural, First Annual Meeting in 2006 in Bodrum, Turkey. The presentations for the 2006 and 2007 meetings were not recorded. Starting in 2008, our long-term and founding member Sean Gabb graciously volunteered to record the proceedings, which he did from 2008 to 2011. Most of these were hosted on an early version of Google Video, or on Vimeo. In 2012–13, videos were uploaded to a different vimeo account. So until 2014, recordings of our meetings were scattered in a variety of places.

Starting in 2014, all proceedings have been put up on the PFS Youtube Channel. Professor Hoppe has begun an initiative to move the 2008–2013 PFS recordings to Youtube. We are working with media expert Manuel Lora in this respect. The initial phase of this project should be completed shortly, and then we will gradually roll out these older videos and update and reorganize our records accordingly. We plan to roll these out chronologically, starting with PFS 2008, until we finish with PFS 2013. Stay tuned!


PFS 2018 Annual Meeting—Speakers and Topics

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society was held from Thursday, September 13, 2018 (date of arrival) to Tuesday, September 18, 2018 (date of departure), in Bodrum, Turkey, at the Hotel Karia Princess. Those interested in attending future meetings should contact Dr. Hoppe or Mr. Thomas Jacob (jacob@pfs-zurich.ch) (Administrative Secretary/Membership), regarding conditions, availability, and requirements.

The final list of speakers and topics is provided below (see the PFS 2018 YouTube Playlist). Audio is available at the Property and Freedom Podcast.

Friday, Sept. 14

Saturday, Sept. 15

Sunday, Sept. 16


See PFP176.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Any additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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Hoppe, Stone, Kinsella, Dürr: Discussion, Q&A (PFS 2017)

See PFP184.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Any additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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See PFP182.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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See PFP180.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.


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See PFP179.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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Titus Gebel, Creating Free Private Cities (PFS 2017)

See PFP178.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.


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See PFP177.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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See PFP175.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.


See PFP174.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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See PFP173.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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Gabb, X, Bandulet, Wong, Discussion, Q&A (PFS 2017)

See PFP172.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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See PFP171.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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See PFP170.

From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

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From the recently-concluded Twelfth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 14–19, 2017). Transcript available here.

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2017 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released in due course.