As noted in Youtube Videos for Past PFS Meetings, the PFS is migrating from older media platforms to Youtube for recordings of meetings from 2008–2013. The presentations for the PFS 2009 Annual Meeting are now available: see the PFS 2009 Playlist. The original Program is also available, as are Sean Gabb’s older Vimeo versions of the presentations.
A listing of the talks for other Annual Meetings will be made available presently on the Meetings and Proceedings page.
Speakers and presentations for the PFS 2009 Annual Meeting are listed below, with links to YouTube versions of the presentations on the PFS YouTube channel, in particular at the PFS 2009 Playlist:
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey), The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World; printed version: “The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World” [Spanish translation; German translation]
- André F. Lichtschlag (Germany), “Political Correctness” in Germany. A Report from the “Anti-Fascist” Front Line
- Carlos Gebauer (Germany), Public Health and Private Sickness – The Law of Governing Bodies, Administrative Corpses, and Ailing Citizens. Illustrations from Germany
- Carlo Stagnaro (Italy), Global Warming? So What! [no video]
- Lichtschlag, Gebauer, Stagnaro, Discussion, Q & A
- Steve Farron (USA), The Affirmative Action Hoax
- Paul Gottfried (USA), Why Does the Managerial State Deny Human Inequality?
- Anthony Daniels (Theodore Dalrymple) (England), In Praise of Prejudice
- Peter Duesberg (USA/Germany), Contra the AIDS-Orthodoxy. A Tale about Political Correctness in the Natural Sciences; printed version: “Contra the AIDS-Orthodoxy. A Tale about Political Correctness in the Natural Sciences”
- Peter Duesberg (USA/Germany), Controversies in Cancer Research
- Peter Duesberg (USA/Germany), Discussion, Q & A
- Robert Higgs (USA/Mexico), The Costs of the American Empire
- Steve Sailer (USA), Barack Obama: America’s Half-Blood Prince [NO AUDIO]
- Farron, Gottfried, Dalrymple, Higgs, Sailer, Discussion, Q & A
- Mustafa Akyol (Turkey), Kemalism and its French Connection
- Peter Mentzel (USA), Conflict Arbitration in a Multi-Legal System: The Case of the Ottoman Empire
- Akyol, Mentzel, Discussion, Q & A
- Thomas DiLorenzo (USA), The Unholy Alliance: State and Central Bank. American Experiences
- Guido Hülsmann (Germany/France), The Great Crash of 2009: Causes and Consequences
- Doug French (USA), On Good (Commodity) Credit and Bad (Fiduciary Credit). Experiences of a Former Banker
- DiLorenzo, Hülsmann, French, Discussion, Q & A [NO AUDIO]
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey), From the Malthusian Trap to the Industrial Revolution (PFS 2009) (print version)
- Sean Gabb (England), What is the “Ruling Class?”
- Gabb, Hoppe, Discussion, Q & A
- Bonus: Robert Groezinger Interviews Sean Gabb
- Bonus: Robert Groezinger Interviews Guido Huelsmann in German
Those interested in attending future meetings should contact Dr. Hoppe or Mr. Thomas Jacob ( (Administrative Secretary/Membership), regarding conditions, availability, and requirements.
The Property and Freedom Society (Facebook page) was established in May, 2006 at the initiative of world-renowned libertarian philosopher and Austrian economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe. The Inaugural Meeting and subsequent annual meetings have been held at the Hotel Karia Princess in Bodrum, Turkey. Programmes and video of previous presentations are available here.
The PFS is an international society for the promotion of “Austro-Libertarianism,” the economic and social philosophy most prominently represented during the 20th century by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises and his leading American student Murray N. Rothbard, and tying back to the 19th century French economists Frederic Bastiat and Gustave de Molinari. As such, the PFS stands for an uncompromising intellectual radicalism: for justly acquired private property, freedom of contract, freedom of association—which logically implies the right to not associate with, or to discriminate against—anyone in one’s personal and business relations—and unconditional free trade. It condemns imperialism and militarism and their fomenters, and champions peace.
In the words of Professor Hoppe in 2010, at the Fifth Annual Meeting:
After the first meeting, 5 years ago, here at the Karia Princess, my plan became more specific still. Inspired by the charm of the place and its beautiful garden, I decided to adopt the model of a salon for the Property And Freedom Society and its meetings. The dictionary defines a salon as “a gathering of intellectual, social, political, and cultural elites under the roof of an inspiring hostess or host, partly to amuse one another and partly to refine their taste and increase their knowledge through conversation.” Take the “political” out of this definition—and there you have it what I have tried to accomplish for the last few years, together with Gülcin, my wife and fellow Misesian, without whose support none of this would be possible: to be hostess and host to a grand and extended annual salon, and to make it, with your help, the most attractive and illustrious salon there is. [Video here and streamed below]
For further information, see:
- PFS, History and Principles
- Hoppe, The Property And Freedom Society—Reflections After Five Years, The Libertarian Standard (June 10, 2010)
- Hoppe, The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World (May 21, 2009, Property and Freedom Society 2009 Annual Meeting Introductory Speech, Bodrum, Turkey)
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe & Gulcin Imre Hoppe, 2006–2015: PFS, Now and Then
- Sean Gabb, 10 Years of PFS
PFS 2010 – Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Welcoming Remarks. The PFS – After Five Years from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.
For further information about the PFS and its previous meetings, see the Press & Offsite Material page, and various articles such as:
- X: The Only Conference Worth Attending: A Personal Account of the 11th Conference of the Property & Freedom Society (Sept. 10, 2016)
- Gabb: Notes from the Eleventh [2016] Conference of the Property and Freedom Society (Sept. 7, 2016)
- Sean Ring: The Chief Event (Oct. 4, 2012)
- Andy Duncan: Inside the conspiracy: Property and Freedom Society, Bodrum, Turkey, 2012 (Oct. 3, 2012)
- Doug French on PFS 2012: The World’s Greatest Haircut (Oct. 2, 2012)
- Jeff Tucker on PFS 2012: The Center of the Conspiracy (Sep. 29, 2012)
- June 8, 2011: “Outside the Asylum: Property and Freedom Society, Bodrum, Turkey, 2011,” by Andy Duncan, Cobden Centre (republished as “A Few Days outside the Asylum,” Mises Daily, June 15, 2011)
- June 17, 2010: “Reflections on the 2010 Conference of the Property and Freedom Society,” by Sean Gabb, Free Life Commentary, Issue Number 194
- June 16, 2010: “Bodrum Days and Nights: The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: A Partial Report,” Stephan Kinsella, The Libertarian Standard
- July 4, 2008: “The Third Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society, Bodrum, May 2008: A Brief Record,” Sean Gabb, Free Life Commentary No. 173
- June 4th 2007: Report on the second PFS conference in Bodrum [local copy], by Rahim Taghizadegan, (in German)
- June 21st 2006: Hoppean Property and Freedom by Doug French,
- June 14th 2006: The Inaugural Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: An Incidental Record, by Sean Gabb, Free Life Commentary, Issue Number 148
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