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Nikolay Gertchev’s speech for the 2013 Annual Meeting is now available (see below). For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS Vimeo channel. Other speeches will be uploaded presently.

Nikolay Gertchev, “Entrepreneurship and Betting: What, If Anything Can Businessmen Learn From Betting Odds?” from Property & Freedom Society on Vimeo.


Paul Cantor’s speech for the 2013 Annual Meeting is now available (see below). For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS Vimeo channel. Other speeches will be uploaded presently.

Paul Cantor from Property & Freedom Society on Vimeo.


Anthony Daniels’s (Theodore Dalrymple) speech for the 2013 Annual Meeting is now available (see below). For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS Vimeo channel. Other speeches will be uploaded presently.

Anthony Daniels from Property & Freedom Society on Vimeo.


Update: KOL100 | The Role of the Corporation and Limited Liability In a Free Society (PFS 2013)

Stephan Kinsella’s speech for the 2013 Annual Meeting is now available (see below).

Kinsella’s talk is podcast on the Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 100. The video and slides are below. I will post the Q&A panel later, which contains several interchanges between me and Sean Gabb about this issue. See also Sean Gabb’s article Stephan Kinsella on Limited Liability: Notes of a Speech Made to the 2013 Meeting in Bodrum of the Property and Freedom Society, to which I intend to reply at a later time.

For background, see:

Stephan Kinsella, “The Role of the Corporation and Limited Liability In a Free Society” from Property & Freedom Society on Vimeo.


Schnitzel a la Hoppe (PFS 2013)

And for a special treat, a video of Professor Hoppe making schnitzel at the 2013 Annual Meeting (on the PFS Youtube channel).

For video of the speeches delivered, see the links in the Program, or the PFS Vimeo channel. Other speeches will be uploaded presently.


The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society was held from Thursday, September 11, 2014 (date of arrival) to Tuesday, September 16, 2014 (date of departure), in Bodrum, Turkey, at the Hotel Karia Princess. Those interested in attending future meetings should contact Dr. Hoppe or Mr. Thomas Jacob (jacob@pfs-zurich.ch) (Administrative Secretary/Membership), regarding conditions, availability, and requirements.

The final list of speakers and topics is provided below (see the PFS 2014 YouTube Playlist). Audio is available at the Property and Freedom Podcast.

Final Program Schedule

Thursday, September 11     arrivals and registration

Reception and dinner (pool area)                    19:30-23:00

Friday, September 12

8:00-9:45                                 Breakfast

10:00                                       Program begins (Hotel Conference Center)

10:00-10:15                             Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Welcome and Introductions

10:15-10:45                            Richard Lynn (England), 100 Years of IQ Research

10:45-11:00                             Coffee Break

 11:00-11:30                           Paul Gottfried (USA), The Influence of the Jewish Lobby on US Policy

11:30-11:45                             Coffee Break

11:45-12:15                           Hunt Tooley (USA), The US and the Middle East

13:00-14:30                             Lunch

15:00-15:30                           Carlos Gebauer (Germany), The Germans – Scattered Souls Dissolving into Irrelevance

15:30-15:45                             Coffee Break

15:45-16:15                             Olivier Richard (Switzerland), From France to the US, to GB, to Switzerland, to Thailand. Experiences of a Reluctant Taxpayer

16:15-16:30                             Coffee Break

16:30-17:15                             Lynn, Gottfried, Tooley, Gebauer, Richard, Discussion, Q & A

19:30-22:30                            Dinner and Turkish Night at the Hotel


Saturday, September 13

 8:00-9:45                                 Breakfast

10:00-10:30                            Sean Gabb (England), Enoch Powell. The Man and his Politics

10:30-10:45                             Coffee Break

10:45-11:15                           Anthony Daniels (Theodore Dalrymple) (England), Freud: Apostle of Freedom or Apostle of Enslavement?

11:15-11:30                             Coffee Break

11:30:12:00                           Leon Louw (South Africa), The Unequal Struggle Against Inequality. Despicable Aspects of the Socialist Mentality

13:00-14:15                             Lunch

14:30-15:00                           Jörg Guido Hülsmann (Germany/France), Fiat Money and “Wealth”

15:00-15:15                             Coffee Break

 15:15-15:45                            Doug French (USA), The “Independence” of the Central Bank

15:45-16:00                             Coffee Break

16:00-16:45                             Gabb, Daniels, Louw, Huelsmann, French, Discusssion, Q & A

17:30-17:50                             Group Photo in Hotel Lobby

18:00                                       Departure from the hotel lobby to the fishing village of Yalikavak

18:30-22:00                             Reception and Dinner at the beach


Sunday, September 14

8:00-9:45                                 Breakfast

10:00-10:30                           Marco Bassani (Italy), The Libertarian Idea of Community

10:30-10:45                             Coffee Break

10:45-11:15                            Carel Boshoff† (South Africa), The Afrikaner Community of Orania as an Experiment

11:15-11:30                             Coffee Break

 11:30-12:00                          Gerard Casey (Ireland), Begotten, not Made: Law, Order and Community

13:00-14:15                             Lunch

14:30-15:00                           Thorsten Polleit (Germany), The New Socialist Destructionism

 15:00-15:15                             Coffee Break

15:15-15:45                          Ben O’Neill (Australia), A Critique of the Anti-Discrimination Paradigm

15:45-16:00                             Coffee Break

 16:00-17:00                           Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey), Realistic Libertarianism as Right-Libertarianism

17:00-17:15                             Coffee Break

 17:15-18:00                             Bassani, Boshoff, Casey, Polleit, O’Neill, Hoppe, Discussion, Q & A

18:00-18:15                             Coffee Break

18:15-18:30                             Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Concluding Remarks and Announcements

20:00-23:00     Gala Reception, Dinner, and Entertainment at the Hotel


Photos for PFS 2013 Annual Meeting

The pictures for the 2013 Annual Meeting of the PFS are available here and below. Media for speeches are in the process of being uploaded, and will be linked in the Program and available in the PFS Vimeo channel.


See: PFP114 | Hans-Hermann Hoppe, What Is Human Nature? Does It Exist? (PFS 2013).


PFS 2013 Annual Meeting

The 2013 Annual Meeting has just concluded; it was a huge success. Best I’ve ever been to, and that’s saying a lot (for reports on earlier meetings, see this page). The final programme is repixeled below. Media of the proceedings will be released in due course.

The speakers and topics for the 2013 meeting are listed below. Media for these presentations will be posted in due course.

[continue reading…]


From HansHoppe.com.


The Brazilian Philosophy Magazine Dicta & Contradicta Interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe


The Brazilian Philosophy Magazine Dicta & Contradicta Interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe

hoppe1.jpgWould the change from a statist to a libertarian society help or hinder the production of high culture?

Hoppe: A libertarian society would be significantly more prosperous and wealthy and this would certainly help both low and high culture. But a free society – a society without taxes and tax-subsidies and without so-called “intellectual property rights” – would produce a very differentculture, with a very different set of products, producers, stars and failures.

You see a causal link between a society’s form of government and its moral values and social development. Do you see a similar link between type of government and aesthetic standards and quality of art and entertainment? 

Hoppe: Yes I do. Democratic state government systematically promotes egalitarianism and relativism. In the field of human interaction, it leads to the subversion and ultimately disappearance of the idea of eternal and universal principles of justice. Law is swamped and submerged by legislation. In the field of the arts and of aesthetic judgment, democracy leads to the subversion and ultimately disappearance of the notion of beautyand universal standards of beauty. Beauty is swamped and submerged by so-called “modern art.” [click to continue…]


On Taxes and Parasites

Prof. Hoppe spoke (in German) on the topic “On Taxes and Parasites,” at the occasion of the inaugural conference of the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland, held at Hotel Bayerischer Hof, in Munich, on June 15, 2013.


Hoppe: From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy

The following is a video of Prof. Hoppe speaking at the Rafael del Pino Foundation’s Master Lecture Series in Madrid, Spain, on June 20, 2013: “From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy: A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay.”

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Hans-Hermann Hoppe in 10 Great Quotes

From the UK publication The Libertarian:

Hans-Hermann Hoppe in 10 Great Quotes

hoppe 2

By Eric Field 

Hans-Hermann Hoppe is one of the most defining of contemporary libertarian thinkers.  A graduate of the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and a former Marxist, Hoppe’s is best known for his rigorously logical examination of culture, human action, and the state.  Hoppe has at times courted controversy for his belief that natural hierarchies are essential to human liberty.  Regardless of whether or not one agrees with much of Hoppe’s statements, he has greatly improved the quality of libertarian discourse.  So much so, that “Hoppean” has become a synonym for rigorously supported scholarly support for libertarianism.

[Original link archive]

Continue reading →

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hoppe-economics-ethics-polish-coverEkonomia I Eytka Własności Prywatnej, the Polish translation of Professor Hoppe’s The Economics and Ethics of Private Property, is now available.

See also: Etica y Economia de la Propiedad Privada, Spanish translation of The Ethics and Economics of Private Property.



Economía Y Ética de la Propiedad Privada, the Spanish translation of Professor Hoppe’s The Economics and Ethics of Private Property, is available at the following links:



Hoppe on the “Hayek Myth”

German translation of the speech presented at the 2012 PFS meeting: Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “The Hayek Myth” (PFS 2012).