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PFS 2014 Annual Meeting—Speakers and Schedule

The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society was held from Thursday, September 11, 2014 (date of arrival) to Tuesday, September 16, 2014 (date of departure), in Bodrum, Turkey, at the Hotel Karia Princess. Those interested in attending future meetings should contact Dr. Hoppe or Mr. Thomas Jacob (jacob@pfs-zurich.ch) (Administrative Secretary/Membership), regarding conditions, availability, and requirements.

The final list of speakers and topics is provided below (see the PFS 2014 YouTube Playlist):

Final Program Schedule

Thursday, September 11     arrivals and registration

Reception and dinner (pool area)                    19:30-23:00

Friday, September 12

8:00-9:45                                 Breakfast

10:00                                       Program begins (Hotel Conference Center)

10:00-10:15                             Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Welcome and Introductions

10:15-10:45                            Richard Lynn (England), 100 Years of IQ Research

10:45-11:00                             Coffee Break

 11:00-11:30                           Paul Gottfried (USA), The Influence of the Jewish Lobby on US Policy

11:30-11:45                             Coffee Break

11:45-12:15                           Hunt Tooley (USA), The US and the Middle East

13:00-14:30                             Lunch

15:00-15:30                           Carlos Gebauer (Germany), The Germans – Scattered Souls Dissolving into Irrelevance

15:30-15:45                             Coffee Break

15:45-16:15                             Olivier Richard (Switzerland), From France to the US, to GB, to Switzerland, to Thailand. Experiences of a Reluctant Taxpayer

16:15-16:30                             Coffee Break

16:30-17:15                             Lynn, Gottfried, Tooley, Gebauer, Richard, Discussion, Q & A

19:30-22:30                            Dinner and Turkish Night at the Hotel


Saturday, September 13

 8:00-9:45                                 Breakfast

10:00-10:30                            Sean Gabb (England), Enoch Powell. The Man and his Politics

10:30-10:45                             Coffee Break

10:45-11:15                           Anthony Daniels (Theodore Dalrymple) (England), Freud: Apostle of Freedom or Apostle of Enslavement?

11:15-11:30                             Coffee Break

11:30:12:00                           Leon Louw (South Africa), The Unequal Struggle Against Inequality. Despicable Aspects of the Socialist Mentality

13:00-14:15                             Lunch

14:30-15:00                           Jörg Guido Hülsmann (Germany/France), Fiat Money and “Wealth”

15:00-15:15                             Coffee Break

 15:15-15:45                            Doug French (USA), The “Independence” of the Central Bank

15:45-16:00                             Coffee Break

16:00-16:45                             Gabb, Daniels, Louw, Huelsmann, French, Discusssion, Q & A

17:30-17:50                             Group Photo in Hotel Lobby

18:00                                       Departure from the hotel lobby to the fishing village of Yalikavak

18:30-22:00                             Reception and Dinner at the beach


Sunday, September 14

8:00-9:45                                 Breakfast

10:00-10:30                           Marco Bassani (Italy), The Libertarian Idea of Community

10:30-10:45                             Coffee Break

10:45-11:15                            Carel Boshoff† (South Africa), The Afrikaner Community of Orania as an Experiment

11:15-11:30                             Coffee Break

 11:30-12:00                          Gerard Casey (Ireland), Begotten, not Made: Law, Order and Community

13:00-14:15                             Lunch

14:30-15:00                           Thorsten Polleit (Germany), The New Socialist Destructionism

 15:00-15:15                             Coffee Break

15:15-15:45                          Ben O’Neill (Australia), A Critique of the Anti-Discrimination Paradigm

15:45-16:00                             Coffee Break

 16:00-17:00                           Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey), Realistic Libertarianism as Right-Libertarianism

17:00-17:15                             Coffee Break

 17:15-18:00                             Bassani, Boshoff, Casey, Polleit, O’Neill, Hoppe, Discussion, Q & A

18:00-18:15                             Coffee Break

18:15-18:30                             Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Concluding Remarks and Announcements

20:00-23:00     Gala Reception, Dinner, and Entertainment at the Hotel

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