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Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 044.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Bonus: Robert Groezinger Interviews Sean Gabb,” with Sean Gabb (England) & Robert Groezinger (Germany). PFS 2009 Playlist.



Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 043.

This panel discussion is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey) & Sean Gabb (England). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


PFP042 | Sean Gabb, What is the “Ruling Class?” (PFS 2009)

Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 042.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “What is the “Ruling Class?”, by Sean Gabb (England). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 041.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “From the Malthusian Trap to the Industrial Revolution: An Explanation of Social Evolution,” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.

See also From the Malthusian Trap to the Industrial Revolution: An Explanation of Social Evolution (PFS 2009):

Professor Hoppe’s chapter, “From the Malthusian Trap to the Industrial Revolution: An Explanation of Social Evolution,” in both The Great Fiction, and in A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline, was initially presented in 2009 at the Property and Freedom Society. (Earlier version in print here.)


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Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 040.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “On Good (Commodity) Credit and Bad (Fiduciary Credit). Experiences of a Former Banker,” Doug French (USA). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 039.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “The Great Crash of 2009: Causes and Consequences,” Guido Hülsmann (Germany/France). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 038.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “The Unholy Alliance: State and Central Bank. American Experiences,” by Thomas DiLorenzo (USA). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 037.

This panel discussion is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Mustafa Akyol (Turkey) & Peter Mentzel (USA). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 036.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Conflict Arbitration in a Multi-Legal System: The Case of the Ottoman Empire,” Peter Mentzel (USA). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 035.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Kemalism and its French Connection,” by Mustafa Akyol (Turkey). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 034.

This panel discussion is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Steve Farron (USA), Paul Gottfried (USA), Anthony Daniels (Theodore Dalrymple) (England), Robert Higgs (USA/Mexico) & Steve Sailer (USA). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 033.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “The Costs of the American Empire,” by Robert Higgs (USA/Mexico). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 032.

This panel discussion is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Peter Duesberg (USA/Germany). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 031.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Controversies in Cancer Research,” by Peter Duesberg (USA/Germany). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 030.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Contra the AIDS-Orthodoxy: A Tale about Political Correctness in the Natural Sciences;” by Peter Duesberg (USA/Germany). Printed version: “Contra the AIDS-Orthodoxy. A Tale about Political Correctness in the Natural Sciences.”  PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 029.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “In Praise of Prejudice,” by Anthony Daniels (Theodore Dalrymple) (England). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.
