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Happy Birthday to Hoppe from Hoppean.org

From Hoppean.org:


Property, Freedom, and Defiance: PFS 2021 in a Covid World

Every meeting of the PFS held since 2006 has been wonderful. The inaugural meeting in 2006 was obviously unique and special. The recently-concluded 2021 Annual Meeting was also special, given that it was held in trying circumstances.

When the Covid disaster hit the world—and by disaster I mean the criminal nation-states’ response to Covid-19 starting in early 2020, not the pandemic itself—private life everywhere was disrupted. Wealth was destroyed; lives and businesses and careers were ruined. We at the PFS held out hope that matters would have improved enough by September 2020 to allow what would have been our Fifteenth Annual Meeting to be held. But the states only increased their insane restrictions and we were forced to cancel the 2020 meeting, with great reluctance. No one was allowed to attend (the intrepid Thomas Jacob, our illustrious Administrative Secretary, and his lovely wife Renata found their way to Bodrum anyway!).  [continue reading…]


PFS 2021 Annual Meeting—Speakers and Topics

The Fifteenth Annual (2021) Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society was held from Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021 to Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021, in Bodrum, Turkey, at the Hotel Karia Princess. Those interested in attending future meetings should contact Dr. Hoppe or Mr. Thomas Jacob (jacob@pfs-zurich.ch) (Administrative Secretary/Membership), regarding conditions, availability, and requirements. For information about the 2019 Annual Meeting, or previous meetings, see here.

This meeting follows the 2019 Annual Meeting and the aborted 2020 Annual Meeting (see Kinsella, Property, Freedom, and Defiance: PFS 2021 in a Covid World). Those interested in attending future Annual Meetings should contact Dr. Hoppe or Mr. Thomas Jacob (jacob@pfs-zurich.ch) (Administrative Secretary/Membership), regarding conditions, availability, and requirements.

Media for the talks listed below can be found at the PFS 2021 YouTube Playlist. Audio is available at the Property and Freedom Podcast.

The finalized list of speakers and topics for the 2021 meeting follows below, with links to the video of the speeches:

Final Program Schedule

Thursday, September 16, 2021      arrivals and registration

Friday, September 17, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Sunday, September 19, 2021

[continue reading…]


Hoppean.org: Liberty, Tradition, and Culture

A new site is up, Hoppean.org, which looks quite interesting. From their About page:
What is Hoppean.org? Simply, Hoppean.org is an organization dedicated to the furtherance of the ideas of Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe and his ideological forebearers. The philosophy currently known as “paleo-libertarianism” and formerly known as “libertarianism.” The website hosts articles by staff members, contributors, and others. We also plan a weekly newsletter, political cartoon, and podcast to be named at a later date.

Hoppe Unplugged (German)

A new book and supporting website, Hoppe Unplugged (in German) [PDF], has been released. Compiled by Thomas Jacob, the full title of the book is Hoppe Unplugged: Ansichten, Einsichten and Provokationen aus Interviews und Reden von Prof. Hans-Hermann Hoppe [Views, insights and provocations from interviews and speeches by Prof. Hans-Hermann Hoppe].

The accompanying website also contains a Video Library, or Videothek, which supplements the book with videosthat  correspond to the chapters in the book; and a Library, or Bibliothek, a supplement to the booklet which is divided into Hoppe’s main works and works by other authors.


PFS 2021 Annual Meeting—Date and Location

Update: See PFS 2021 Annual Meeting—Speakers and Topics

The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society will be held from Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021 (arrivals) to Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021 (departures), in Bodrum, Turkey, at the Hotel Karia Princess. Those interested in attending future meetings should contact Dr. Hoppe or Mr. Thomas Jacob (jacob@pfs-zurich.ch) (Administrative Secretary/Membership), regarding conditions, availability, and requirements. For information about the 2019 Annual Meeting, or previous meetings, see here.

The list of speakers for the 2021 Annual Meeting follows:

Final Program Schedule

Thursday, September 16, 2021      arrivals and registration

  • Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Welcome and Introductions
  • Tim Haffner (United States/Japan): Japan’s first Samurai. Rebellion against Monopoly Justice
  • Juan F. Carpio (Ecuador), The Body as a Capital Good 
  • Saifedean Ammous (Lebanon/Jordan): Hard Money and Time Preference
  • Thorsten Polleit (Germany): The Modern Version of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “One Ring To Rule Them All”: A Single World Fiat Money
  • Haffner, Carpio, Ammous. Polleit, Discussion,  Q & A

Saturday, September 18, 2021

  • Karl-Peter Schwarz (Austria): “He Seeketh Liberty, Which Is So Dear” [Commemorating the 700th anniversary of Dante`s death (September 14, 1321)]
  • Alessandro Fusillo (Italy): State-Making as War-Making. The Case of Italy
  • Rahim Taghizadegan (Austria): The Praxeology of Coercion: A New Theory of Violence Cycles
  • Jeff Deist (USA): After Trump: The Prospects for Soft Secession in America
  • Schwarz, Fusillo, Taghizadegan, Deist Discussion, Q & A

Sunday, September 19, 2021

  • Daniel Model (Liechtenstein; Model Holding): An Entrepreneur’s Bureaucratic Encounters
  • Stephan Kinsella (Texas), State Constitutions vs. the Libertarian Private Law Code
  • David Dürr (Switzerland): A Short History of the Swiss Constitution
  • Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey): The Idea of a Private Law Society: The Case of Karl Ludwig von Haller
  • Model, Kinsella, Dürr, Hoppe, Discussion, Q & A

[continue reading…]


PFS 2020 Canceled

Dear Friends,

We are sorry to announce that, due to current events related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the world response to it, PFS 2020, originally scheduled for Sept. 2020, will be canceled. This will be the first meeting skipped since the inaugural meeting in 2006. Obviously, this was a difficult decision to make but events made this choice unavoidable. We will resume in September 2021 and wish all of our friends and colleagues good health and good fortune in the upcoming months.

See Kinsella, Property, Freedom, and Defiance: PFS 2021 in a Covid World.

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Hülsmann, Kinsella, Dürr, Hoppe, Q&A (PFS 2019)

SEE [PFP218].

From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.



From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.



From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.

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Stephan Kinsella, Nobody Owns Bitcoin (PFS 2019)


From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.

[continue reading…]

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From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.

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From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.

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From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.

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‘From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.

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Antony Müller, Class, Ethnicity, and Power (PFS 2019)


From the recently-concluded Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the PFS, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019).

For others, see the links in the Program, or the PFS YouTube channel, including the growing PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Additional media of the proceedings will be released presently.

Additional information about the 2020 Annual Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 10–15, 2020) will be released presently.

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