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Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 028.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Why Does the Managerial State Deny Human Inequality?,” Paul Gottfried (USA). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but, in some cases, has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth.

The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


PFP027 | Steve Farron, The Affirmative Action Hoax (PFS 2009)

Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 027.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “The Affirmative Action Hoax,” by Steve Farron (USA). PFS 2009 Playlist. [Original audio]


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 026.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by André F. Lichtschlag (Germany), Carlos Gebauer (Germany) and Carlo Stagnaro (Italy). PFS 2009 Playlist.

[NOTE: WEAK AUDIO. Improved audio will be uploaded soon–]


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 025.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Public Health and Private Sickness – The Law of Governing Bodies, Administrative Corpses, and Ailing Citizens. Illustrations from Germany,” by Carlos Gebauer (Germany). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 024.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Political Correctness” in Germany. A Report from the “Anti-Fascist” Front Line,” by André F. Lichtschlag (Germany). PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 023.

This lecture is from the 2009 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World,” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey); printed version: “The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World” [Spanish translationGerman translation]. PFS 2009 Playlist.


Note that the audio quality for the 2006 and 2008 meetings (there were no recordings for the 2007 meeting) was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media. Audio for the 2009 meeting was better but has also been tweaked a bit by Podsworth. The audio quality improves significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 022.

[n.b. The current track has been improved with auto-processing; better audio track in preparation, with manually done tweaking… will replace the current track when ready.]

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey) & David Gordon (USA). PFS 2008 Playlist.

Youtube: [TBD]

Original Youtube (original, low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 021.

[n.b. The current track has been improved with auto-processing; better audio track in preparation, with manually done tweaking… will replace the current track when ready.]

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Is the Existence of the State Proof of Market Failure?”, by David Gordon (USA). PFS 2008 Playlist.

Youtube: [TBD]

Original Youtube (original, low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 020.

[n.b. The current track has been improved with auto-processing; better audio track in preparation, with manually done tweaking… will replace the current track when ready.]

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Reflections on the Origin of the State,” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Germany/Turkey). Print version, “Reflections on the Origin and the Stability of the State.”

PFS 2008 Playlist.

Youtube: [TBD]

Original Youtube (original, low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 019.

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Remigijus Šimašius (Lithuania), Justin Raimondo† (USA) & Robert Groezinger (Germany). PFS 2008 Playlist.

Youtube with improved audio:

Original Youtube (original, low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting. The audio in this podcast episode has been improved.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 018.

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “European Reactions to the Ron Paul Phenomenon,” by Robert Groezinger (Germany). PFS 2008 Playlist.


Original Youtube (low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 017.

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Ron Paul and the Prospects of PaleoLibertarianism in the U.S.,” by Justin Raimondo† (USA). Print version: “Libertarianism’s Divergent Roads,” Taki’s Magazine, June 11, 2008. PFS 2008 Playlist.


Original Youtube (low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 016.

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “How to Deal with Bullies as Neighbors? Reflections on the Foreign Policy of Small Countries,” by Remigijus Šimašius (Lithuania). PFS 2008 Playlist.


Original Youtube (low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 015.

[n.b. Better audio track in preparation… will replace the current track when ready.]

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Sean Gabb (England), Philipp Bagus (Spain), Nikolay Gertchev (France) & Thomas DiLorenzo (USA). PFS 2008 Playlist.

Youtube: (with improved audio: coming soon)

Original Youtube (low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 014.

[n.b. Better audio track in preparation… will replace the current track when ready.]

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “The Errors of ‘Public Choice,'” by Thomas DiLorenzo (USA). PFS 2008 Playlist.

Youtube: (with improved audio: coming soon)

Original Youtube (low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.


Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 013.

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “The Omnipresence of Monetary Policy,” by Nikolay Gertchev (France). PFS 2008 Playlist.


Original Youtube (original, low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.
