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PFP015 | Gabb, Bagus, Gertchev, DiLorenzo, Discussion, Q&A (PFS 2008)

Property and Freedom Podcast, Episode 015.

[n.b. Better audio track in preparation… will replace the current track when ready.]

This lecture is from the 2008 meeting of the Property and Freedom Society: “Discussion, Q&A,” by Sean Gabb (England), Philipp Bagus (Spain), Nikolay Gertchev (France) & Thomas DiLorenzo (USA). PFS 2008 Playlist.

Youtube: (with improved audio: coming soon)

Original Youtube (low quality audio).

Note that the audio quality for 2006, 2008, and 2009 was poor and has been improved as much as possible by Podsworth Media; the audio quality improves slightly with the 2009 meeting and more significantly starting with the 2010 meeting.

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