Membership is by nomination and invitation. For more information about membership, please contact Mr. Thomas Jacob ( (Administrative Secretary/Membership) or Professor Hoppe.
If your membership has already been approved or you have received an invitation, you may pay dues via PayPal or credit card (no Pay Pal account is required) by clicking on the “Donate” button below, and make the appropriate payment depending on your location. Dues are $100/year (normal); or $50 for members from developing economies (see the Donate link below). Dues may also be paid via Bitcoin (see sidebar or below) or in cash at the Annual Meeting.
Payments may also be made by mailing a check in US dollars payable to The Property and Freedom Society contact Thomas Jacob ( for further information. For more information about dues or other means of payment, contact Mr. Jacob.
Annual meeting comments/suggestions: contact Mr. Thomas Jacob ( (Administrative Secretary/Membership).
Web comments/suggestions: contact Stephan Kinsella. Any other questions, contact Thomas Jacob or Professor Hoppe.
To donate with BITCOIN please use the address below. If you would like us to credit your payment (for dues, conference fees, etc.) please email Stephan Kinsella ( when you make the bitcoin payment.

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